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Personal Essays Disguised as Advice
Tiny Beautiful Things: Personal Essays Disguised as Advice “Every story I write creates me. I write to create myself.” ―Octavia Butler Lately, you can find me in my kitchen cooking and crying. While I am at times chopping onions, they are not the culprit. In an effort to read more, I’ve taken to listening to…
How Form Reflects Meaning
Close Study: “Japanese Maple” by Clive James Retrieved from clivejames.com. Your death, near now, is of an easy sort. So slow a fading out brings no real pain. Breath growing short Is just uncomfortable. You feel the drain Of energy, but thought and sight remain: Enhanced, in fact. When did you ever see So much…
Introducing Erica Anzalone
Erica Anzalone is the owner and founder of Witch Lit. She holds an MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop in poetry and a doctorate in English from UNLV, where she was awarded a Schaeffer fellowship. Her first book of poetry Samsara won the Noemi Press award. Poems from her second collection have been published in The Literary Review, Juked, Pangyrus, and…