Follow the call to write.
Writers.com is a warm, welcoming space for all writers. Explore the joy and craft of writing in our inclusive community, join our online courses and coaching for personal feedback from our award-winning instructors, and explore our writing tools and resources. Wherever you are in your journey, we’re here to help you.
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October Courses
Death Riding Shotgun: How Awareness of Our Mortality Impacts Poetry
with Lisa C. Taylor
How can your own mortality inform your work? In this 6-week course, you'll use death to inspire and motivate your poetry writing.
Deep Waters: The Prose Poem Advanced Workshop
with Anna Scotti
Take the plunge in this advanced prose poetry course, where you'll write and revise short, powerful works of prose that hit like poetry.
Hived Like Honey in Your Head: The Art and Craft of Writing Confessional Poetry
with Meghan Sterling
Discover the power and intimacy of confessional poetry, and unlock your authentic voice.
Tiny and True: Creating Flash Essays with Mindfulness
with Susan Barr-Toman
How do you tell the full truth in under 1,000 words? Learn the art of flash essays and write nuggets of wisdom in this tiny essay class.
Word Witch: Exploring the Strange Magic of Embodiment
with Erica Anzalone
Infuse your writing with the weird and wonderful: discover the transformative power of embodiment through the archetype of the witch.
Creative Nonfiction, Fiction, Personal Essay, Poetry, Short Story
Free Event: A Poetry Reading With Ollie Schminkey and Zach Goldberg
with Ollie Schminkey
Join us for a free reading with Ollie Schminkey and Zach Goldberg. Ollie will be reading poems from their recently published collection Where I Dry the Flowers, and Zach will be reading from his recently published collection I'd Rather Be Destroyed.The reading will conclude with a Q&A with both poets.
Stringing the Beads: Craft Your Personal Essay
with Joanna Penn Cooper
Harness the freedom of the personal essay in this 4 week course, where we'll shape our ideas, thoughts, and obsessions into compelling nonfiction pieces.
The Literary Essay
with Jonathan J.G. McClure
Explore the literary essay - from the conventional to the experimental, the journalistic to essays in verse - while writing and workshopping your own.
November Courses
Thirty Tiny Stories In Thirty Days
with Giulietta Nardone
Discover the exciting possibilities of micro stories, and write a 6- to 250-word story every day for 30 days.
16-Week Novel Writing Intensive
with Rosemary Tantra Bensko
Turn your novel writing dream into reality. Get in-depth support tailored to you and your novel, and submit up to 5,000 words each week for detailed feedback.
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Student Testimonials
![1_o2EibLi3y_8ue40s2z8Jbw[1] nabila zahur writers.com](https://writers.com/wp-content/uploads/bb-plugin/cache/1_o2EibLi3y_8ue40s2z8Jbw1-768x768-square-50cc367c4f7e35cb1db8e60fa38c73b3-t6y5rmfl3ajp.png)
![1_o2EibLi3y_8ue40s2z8Jbw[1] nabila zahur writers.com](images/1_o2eibli3y_8ue40s2z8jbw1-768x768-square-50cc367c4f7e35cb1db8e60fa38c73b3-t6y5rmfl3ajp.png)
It was so fantastic working with other serious writers and getting their input. I have taken part in other writer critique groups, but I felt that the difference here is that everyone who came in is really serious about the craft.
I managed to revise and rewrite the first half of my novel during this course, and I have a plan for how to tackle the rest.
The ultimate success for me was that my husband could see a lot of improvement between the writing he saw in week 1 vs in week 10. Feeling inspired and empowered from this course!
-Nabila Zahur, novelist
This was my first course with Writers.com, and my first course in this global format (we had members from London, Australia, Denmark, and the US). It worked very well.
The course content was thoughtful, informative, and well-organized. The instructor was supportive and encouraging to all, and matched her level of critique to the level of the participant. I felt we were in the hands of a master and mentor, and it was a privilege to have her undivided attention eight times in two months.
-Fred Lindgren

Writers.com classes provide a great way to sharpen your writing skills and join a community of writers. Try a few-you won't be disappointed.
-Melissa DeCarlo, author of The Art Of Crash Landing (Harper Paperbacks/HarperCollins)
Browse More Testimonials
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Since 1995, writers from over two hundred countries have visited Writers.com and thousands have completed our online writing classes. We are accessible 24-7 from any Internet connection in the world, uniting far-flung students with renowned instructors - all published, working writers with teaching experience- who offer feedback and encouragement.
Writing can be a lonely road but it doesn't have to be. Whether you're just beginning to write or polishing your next piece for publication, we can help. Let us provide inspiration, direction, community and deadlines to start you writing and keep you working.
Support And Constructive Criticism
You're never just a face in a crowd at Writers.com. Small groups keep our online classes lively and intimate.
Each class provides written lectures, projects and assignments, and discussion forums where you'll share your work with the instructor and the other students.
Best of all, a teacher offers insights on every project you submit. These critiques help identify the patterns that can plague even the most talented and experienced writers. So whether you're dusting off a grade-school passion or breaking onto the bestseller list, we can boost you up the ladder a few rungs.
Can't bring yourself to share your work? We offer private classes, just you - or just you and a friend or two - working with the instructor. Click on private classes in the navigation bar at the top of the page to read more.
We also offer one-to-one services such as coaching and editing but it's highly recommended you take one of our classes first.
Writers.com commits to providing the best online writing classes for creative writers available anywhere. (If you're interested in learning other kinds of writing, such as business or technical writing, you can start with Hidden Front Door or a similar site.)
Caring And Community
Writers.com remains a rock in a sea of audit-only and feedback-light classes. We've had decades to fine-tune our approach, recruit top instructors and build a supportive network of writers. When you send us an email, you'll always hear back from a real person, not an auto-responder. And while you're in class, we're available to help seven days a week if you run into a problem or have a question.
Over a third of our alumni return to take a second class with us, and some have been taking our classes for 20 years or more. That's the highest compliment we can imagine - and it inspires us daily to keep growing as writers' needs and the literary landscape shift.
We pioneered teaching online writing classes. And we still do it with pleasure every day.
Contact Us
Questions? Comments? Lavish praise? We want to hear it all! Please contact us through the form below. We'll be in touch ASAP.
Please note: many of our courses are completely text-based. If you're reaching out with a question about course meeting times, check the course description to see whether it has a live video component or not. For more information, check out how our courses work.
We do check email seven days a week. Please allow for some delay as chances are we're not in your time zone and, though the Internet never sleeps, we do.