Craft and Creativity
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Experiments, Epiphanies, and Inserting Yourself In Your Writing
Close Study: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce Because this novel is in the public domain, you can find the full text at Gutenberg here. I finished Joyce’s autobiographical novel A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man earlier this year. When I told people I was reading it, the typical…
Introducing Carla Damron
Carla Damron is a social worker, advocate, and author. Her crime fiction novel, The Orchid Tattoo, about domestic human trafficking, received four literary awards, including the 2023 NIEA Award in suspense. Her women’s fiction work The Stone Necklace (which deals with grief and mental illness) won the 2017 WFWA Star Award and was the One Community Read for…
Creating an Authentic Emotional Experience: Sentiment vs. Sentimentality
I reside in Hawaii but am currently writing this from my childhood bedroom in upstate New York. It’s always a bit of a trip to be back in the small town and home that raised me. I haven’t lived in this room in nearly twenty-seven years, but I return to visit once or more each…