Craft and Creativity
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Departure, Connection
As these paired short essays explore, we can connect beyond the usual boundaries of time and space. Writing can be a bridge—or life can be a bridge, and we can write as we walk over. Want more craft tips? Be the first to receive our writing advice in your inbox. At the Grave of Charlene…
On Setting Your Story
As all storytellers know, setting is a key element of fiction. But what if I told you that the setting is a character of your story? A setting is not just the ground beneath your characters’ feet. Settings also have personality. A setting reacts to its characters, is transformed through different perspectives, has needs, desires, conflicts,…
On the Poetry of the Everyday
When you think of poetry, what comes to mind? Perhaps grand, sweeping gestures of love, ruminations on sadness? Perhaps complex, open-ended questions about life, the universe, and what it means to be happy? Certainly, poetry has room for these topics. Yet, most of our lives are spent a bit closer to earth. We do the…