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Body Text: Reflections on Mixing Kundalini Yoga and Writing
Our team just got back from AWP 2024, a huge conference for writers and writing programs. On Thursday morning, we sponsored a yoga and writing session with poet and instructor Nadia Colburn. It made a large impression on me, which I’d like to share. The style of yoga Nadia led us in is called kundalini…
How to Be Real When You’re Making Stuff Up?
Authenticity in Fiction As a fiction writer and novelist, I spend an embarrassing amount of time contemplating the components of good writing. I’ve sat through countless writing workshops, classes, and seminars where the instructor tosses out some variation of the question: What is good writing? It’s a simple enough ask, but the answers are varied…
Nonfiction, Trauma, and Healing
What’s Down There: The Body Keeps the Score In my view, the best nonfiction book of the past 20 years is The Body Keeps the Score, by Bessel van der Kolk. The book is one of those cases where everything comes together. It explains the cause of a huge proportion of human suffering—a cause which our culture…