Craft and Creativity
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Profiles in Craft: Jessie Roy
About the instructor: Jessie Roy is a fiction writer, teacher, and editor whose work has appeared in American Literary Review, The Journal, and Cream City Review. She holds two advanced degrees in creative writing: an MFA from Syracuse University and a PhD from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Among many other awards and honors, Jessie has…
On Rewriting “Writing”
“If it sounds like writing, I rewrite it.” ―Elmore Leonard Want more craft tips? Be the first to receive our writing advice in your inbox. I chose the quote above because it matches my experience editing people’s work. I work as a writing coach, especially to help people apply for schools or jobs. The main…
Profiles in Craft: Jack Smith
About the instructor: Jack Smith’s MA is in creative writing, his PhD in English. He has published six novels and four nonfiction books. His novels include: If Winter Comes (2020), RUN (2020), Miss Manners for War Criminals (2017), Being (2016), Icon (2014), and Hog to Hog, which won the 2007 George Garrett Fiction Prize and was published by Texas Review Press in 2008. He has published…