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On Eccentric Protagonists
Think of some of your favorite characters in literature. Chances are, they’re probably a little odd. Well-developed characters are often strange and complex, because people in real life are also strange and complex. A dash of eccentricity goes a long way in crafting memorable characters. Let’s take a closer look at how authors wield weirdness…
Writing Creative Nonfiction as a Fiction Writer
A Fiction Writer Faces Her Creative Nonfiction Fears I primarily consider myself to be a fiction writer, but have dabbled in other forms over the years. I spent my teens and early twenties writing mostly poetry. My time spent writing and studying the craft of poetry greatly influenced my future fiction writing. Poetry taught me…
A Guide to Greatness
About the Author: Tamara Dean’s stories and essays are forthcoming or have appeared in The American Scholar, Creative Nonfiction, The Georgia Review, The Guardian, One Story, Orion, The Southern Review, Story Magazine, and elsewhere. Five have been nominated for Pushcart prizes and one was a 2021 National Magazine Award finalist. She’s the author of best-selling textbooks…